If you spend any time online, you’ve likely looked at the work of a web developer. Like other tech jobs, web developers can have specialized skills and areas of focus. At Laing Media, we have front-end, back-end and full-stack developers for any kind of project.
For those looking to embark on a career in web development, or even those curious about the industry, Forage’s recent article on What is Web Development? is a great read. Laing Media Founder and Lead Full-Stack Developer, Lamar Laing, offers up his advice and knowledge he’s gathered as a web developer.
Read the full article at Forage here: https://www.theforage.com/blog/careers/what-is-web-developer
Why Cybersecurity Is Critical For Every Business
“68% of business owners believe their cybersecurity risks are increasing.” “Stick ‘em up!” Before the age of the internet, robbery was depicted as men with ski masks running into a bank and holding people hostage until the cashier turned over all of the money in the...
How Your Website Can Make or Break Your Business
Laing Media knows your website is the foundation for your business, whether small or medium-sized businesses or corporate enterprises.
How to Buy Cryptocurrency on Uphold.
Currency has continued to evolve over the centuries. We’ve gone from trading food and raw materials, to printing precious metals, to paper bills, to credit and debit cards. The 21st century has brought in a new era of digital currency, also known as cryptocurrency. ...