Web Development Predictions for 2022
Written By Lamar Laing
Laing Media Web development predictions

The internet has come a long way since its 1980’s inception. Over the last four decades, we have seen industries transform, communities develop, and opportunities grow thanks to the power of web development. Web development has allowed businesses to not only have an online presence but thrive and grow in an environment that changes almost daily. 

The Future of Web Development 

Over the years, web development and technology advancements have happened quicker and faster every year. This is why it is essential for businesses and web developers to consider what the future of web development will look like in 2022 and beyond. 

  • Mobile Optimization Is Critical 

Over 54% of global web traffic in 2021 was mobile, which is expected to continue to increase. More and more web developers are offering mobile design and development as an added service, and this is not something that should be overlooked.

  • Progressive Web Applications (PWA) 

Progressive web applications can help web developers achieve higher conversion rates and lower costs than native applications. A progressive web application is a web application that behaves just like a native mobile application. Users can experience an app directly in their browsers without downloading it from the app store.  

  • Voice Search Optimization

Studies show that 32% of users use voice activated search instead of typing on a daily basis. Web developers need to make sure they consider voice search optimization when working on a business site. Businesses should focus on creating content the way people speak to align with voice searches. 

  • WebAssembly Technology 

WebAssembly Technology is a new code that delivers a near-native experience on modern web browsers. This means that codes written in different languages can now run on near-native speed. WebAssembly Technology works with several languages including C/C++, C#, and Rust. 

  • Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is growing in ways that make our lives easier, especially from a technical standpoint. Web development continues to enhance thanks to Artificial Intelligence on both the front and back ends of websites

Professional Web Developers Ready to Help

Web development is no longer just relient on knowing the latest information – its about staying ahead of the changes. In order to stay ahead, you need a designated point person or team working together to apply real-time changes to make future developments. Laing Media’s team of web development experts work day and night to ensure clients are continuously moving forward. If you are looking for more information on how to scale your business with the power of elite web development, visit www.laingmedia.com.


Talk to an expert.

For more information on holiday season content and Laing Media’s digital marketing services.

Lamar Laing

Senior Web Developer
e: sales@laingmedia.com
p: (770) 696-6583

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