Best Tips To Grow Your Email List Using Marketing Strategies
Written By Lamar Laing

The way businesses use email has evolved with the times since it came about over 60 years ago. What was once used solely to keep internal communications organized is now used to make meaningful connections with clients and customers. Email marketing is a great way to connect with your audience and build relationships with potential and current customers. But if you don’t have a good email list, your marketing efforts will be for nothing. 

Believe it or not, you can still use email marketing in your digital marketing strategy. Using other digital marketing channels to build your email list is the trick. We’ll go over trusted easy to grow your email list using marketing strategies using social media, content marketing, and lead magnets to get people to sign up. We’ll also give you tips on keeping people subscribed and looking forward to seeing your name in their inbox.

Start with what you have. 

First and foremost, you need to have a baseline. Reach out to your friends and colleagues, contractors, and employers, and ask them if they’d like to be added to your company’s email list. You can also use this “internal” list to test your email marketing campaigns and get feedback before you start promoting or advertising for signups from the public. 

You’ll also want to pick the perfect email marketing tool for you and your team. An online tool will help keep track of emails, campaigns, and data in one place. You can send blasts out at once, send specific groups certain campaigns, and see what the response and engagement look like in real time. There are plenty of tools available online, and which one works best for you will depend on your individual business needs. 

Use social media to promote your email list.

If you already have an email list, you know how important it is to build it up. One place you can start promoting your email list is on social media. Start with adding a link or CTA at the end of your posts on platforms like Facebook or Twitter. You can include a link to your email list in your Instagram bio (we love using and also create graphics with a link to your email list using the IG Stories feature. Don’t forget to strategically use hashtags to include your email list in social conversations. 

Use content marketing to grow your email list.

When you ask people to sign up for your email list, you should be prepared to give them a benefit or solution. People need the motive to want to sign up and give you their contact information. 

Content marketing is great for growing your email list because you are providing people with valuable information. You’re not just asking them for their email addresses; you’re actively giving them something in return. You can use your email list to promote your content. Include a link to your email list at the end of your blog posts. This way, you’re letting your readers know that they can stay connected with you and sign up for your email list. 

Use lead magnets to get people to sign up for your email list

Another way to grow your email list is by using lead magnets. Lead magnets are something that you offer to your readers for free in exchange for their email addresses. You can use lead magnets for any type of business, industry, product, or service.

Lead magnets can be almost anything. They can be an ebook, a checklist, a guide, a cheat sheet, a workbook, a podcast, a video series, etc. The critical thing to remember is that you need something that is valuable to your readers. This can be used to get people to sign up for your email list.

Keep people subscribed to your email list.

Once people sign up for your email list, the next challenge is keeping them subscribed. The best way to do this is by continuing to provide them with a value that grows with their needs and is convenient. 

Your goal should be to provide your subscribers with helpful information each and every time they get an email from you. If you do this, you’ll keep people on your list and build relationships with them. 

You mustn’t just promote your products and your business. Instead, try to solve problems for your readers. In your emails, talk about things happening in your industry or in your area. Also, talk about something happening in your readers’ lives.

Monitor your results

Once you’ve put these strategies into place, you’ll start to grow your email list and see an increase in your conversions. To make sure that you see results, you must monitor your results. This can help you determine what is and isn’t working and provide you with the insights to make adjustments as necessary. 

If email marketing is the goal, having your data & analytics tracking set up beforehand is equally essential. Whether you are using an email marketing tool or want to see what website interactions result from email campaigns, it’s important to monitor the efforts of your email marketing campaigns continuously. Don’t get hung up on losing subscribers — it happens! Instead, focus on keeping a quality list engaged and subscribed. 

Still confused about where to start or go with your email marketing? Laing Media has a team of skilled marketers that work with businesses of all sizes and industries to build robust email lists and marketing campaigns. Visit for more information or to reach out to one of our marketing specialists. 

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