If you spend any time online, you’ve likely looked at the work of a web developer. Like other tech jobs, web developers can have specialized skills and areas of focus. At Laing Media, we have front-end, back-end and full-stack developers for any kind of project.
For those looking to embark on a career in web development, or even those curious about the industry, Forage’s recent article on What is Web Development? is a great read. Laing Media Founder and Lead Full-Stack Developer, Lamar Laing, offers up his advice and knowledge he’s gathered as a web developer.
Read the full article at Forage here: https://www.theforage.com/blog/careers/what-is-web-developer
The Future of the Web: The Metaverse
“Meta” is a buzzword word that has been thrown around a lot lately. Oxford Dictionary defines meta as a Greek origin prefix “denoting change or position or condition...behind, after or beyond.” Recently, social media powerhouse Facebook announced it would rebrand and...
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